Nearing The End

Nearing The End
With about six months to go, the Fighter Weapons Schools was to move to RAF Driffield and those of us who were nearing demob were told we wouldn’t be moving there as there would be enough armourers on the station plus a few regulars from Leconfield. I had considered signing on for a further term but decided not to. The three years had been very enjoyable but I didn’t reckon a career there would continue to be so. I did consider studying to get enough qualifications to join the Customs but it was going to be a long slog.

When everyone else had moved to Driffield, just up the road, we then were subjected to talks by NCOs on various subjects, visits to outside establishments and various other activities to pass the time but we were left on our own for some days. The most memorable visit was to Hull Brewery where we were let into the secrets of brewing beer. At the end of the tour, the officer accompanying us was taking away to the boardroom and we were shown into a small bar where we were given a glass of beer. One of the lads asked if he could have another glass and the barman indicated a large pile of crates in the corner and said they were for us. So a queue was formed and some of us would get our glass of beer and join the queue then drink the beer while waiting for the next one. By the end of the day we were all very cheerful and the officer seemed in a good mood too. When the bus arrived back at camp we all rolled out and waved to the police in the guardroom who were understandably not very happy but couldn’t say anything.

I was interviewed by an officer about my plans after demob and I indicated that I would probably go back to the patternmaking and then consider my options at leisure. He did not try to encourage me to sign on again as I believe they had more airmen than they required at that time.
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